Monday, October 21, 2013

"Shot by Shot" editing examples

In David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson's book, "Film Art: An Introduction," the chapter on "The Relation of Shot to Shot: Editing" describes several different types of edits.  The student authors of this BLOG explain and give some good examples of:
  • graphic relations between shot A and shot B
  • Rhythmic relations between shot A and shot B
  • Spatial relations between shot A and shot B
  • Temporal relations between shot A and shot B

    and more!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Masters of Polish Animation trailer

Lots of good references.

THE MASTERS OF POLISH ANIMATION trailer from Cinefamily on Vimeo.

Walter Murch - Sound Design for THX1138

Creating space with sound. Some terrific insights.

Walter Murch discusses "Apocalypse Now"

Film editor Walter Murch discusses his approach to sound design for Apocalypse Now. Go to 34:45

Walter Murch: "The Rule of Six"

Walter Murch, the amazing film and audio editor (Apocalypse Now, The English Patient...and many many others) explains what makes an edit work:

Walter Murch: The 'Rule of Six' in Film Editing from Imaginox on Vimeo.

Star Wars Uncut!

Star Wars Uncut: Director's Cut from Casey Pugh on Vimeo.

Wikipedia says: Star Wars Uncut is a 2010 fan film remake of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. It is a shot-for-shot recreation of the 2004 "Special Edition" re-release of the film made from 473 fifteen-second segments created and submitted from a variety of participants...

Many of the sequences are filmed in deliberately crude, low-budget or otherwise comical manners, and the actors do not always resemble the original cast. One scene is a stop-motion sequence using Lego Star Wars figurines. Another mimics the animation style of the 1968 Beatles film Yellow Submarine.

The result is amazingly smooth, visually delightful, and hilarious.

Star Wars Uncut won a Creative Arts Emmy Award for Outstanding Achievement in Interactive Media on August 21, 2010.

Check it out!